I just wanted to let you know that I've been doing so well since the cleanse! I've decided to make that my lifestyle and feel amazing! I found with the cleanse that dairy is my biggest trigger for migraines and gluten isn't much better. Knowing this has made a huge difference in my life and I've only had 2 migraines since we began the cleanse and I have no trouble eating now (yay!).
I can't thank you enough for all of your help and support. I'm so excited to feel healthy and wonderful all the time- it's amazing!
Many many thanks,
I am a 58 year old female who has always been healthy and active. My health problems started about three years ago with occasional stomachaches. They gradually became more frequent and much more severe. Two years ago they were occurring several times a week, usually first thing in the morning. I would wake up bloated and doubled over in excruciating pain, lasting 2-3 hours. (I was bedridden until it passed.) I began to notice I was also becoming constipated, an issue I'd never, ever experienced. I tried changing up my diet eliminating things here and there but saw no improvements. Earlier this year I consulted with my GI physician who ran the whole gamut of tests. Ultrasounds, scopes, MRIs. All normal. Great news, but I obviously was still suffering. My GI doctor prescribed Linzess to ease the constipation but it did nothing for the belly pain. I felt horrible EVERY SINGLE DAY and was missing out on so much. By chance I heard about Dr. Mitchell and set up a meeting to discuss my issues. Dr. Mitchell advised an extremely restricted diet, eliminating a lot of what I'd already tried but never all at once. It's not easy but I was highly motivated. I experienced a definite withdrawal period but by Day 6 I was starting to see definite improvements. By Day 10 I felt like a whole new person. My stomach aches are gone. My bloating is gone. My constipation is gone. My headaches are gone. And best of all, my Linzess is gone. And as an added bonus, I'm sleeping like a baby after many, many years of insomnia. I have my life back! Do I miss my old foods? Yes, but not as much as I love feeling great. I'm a convert and owe so much to Dr. Mitchell for all of his guidance and support. My only regret is that I didn't find him sooner.
Julie P
I participated in the Healthy Chef Doctor "Fall Cleanse" in 2015. It was a truly eye-opening experience, as I had never experienced living without sugar and many of the refined foods so many of us eat on a daily basis. After a 3-day adjustment period, I found myself energized and challenged by the gradual removal and reintroduction of foods over a 14-day period. I lost 9.6 pounds in the 14-day period but more importantly, started down a path of learning about healthy eating that I continue today, over 20 lbs. lighter. I credit Dr. Kershner as someone who definitely opened my eyes to just how impactful the food you put in your body can be on your life!
Josh G.
When I first embarked upon the cleanse with Dr. Mitchell, I knew I was in good hands, but I did have some trepidation – my experience in the past with other programs was not positive.
We started out with a program of pre-cleansing that made my body and psyche feel balanced in a way I had never experienced before – even though I traveled throughout the duration of the program, I took that sense of well-being with me and I was able to keep to the spirit of the cleanse; while sometimes I could not follow the regimen precisely, through the coaching I received from Dr. K and the overall guidelines of the cleanse, I kept up with it.
And I am so glad – here I am, a few weeks after the official cleanse ended, and I believe my life has been irrevocably improved in many ways; I am able to eat foods that I couldn’t without gastrointestinal distress before, and I've largely kept to the regime of the pre-cleanse guidelines, with a few modifications once in a while.
The interesting part is that this program, unlike the many that I have engaged in before, has had a lasting impact on my perspective of food and my body's relationship with it. I am so much more in tune with my senses than ever before. And I look forward to the seasonal cleanses that Dr. Mitchell will offer, as I know that his program, combined with his coaching and my commitment, is a surefire recipe for success.
Bring it on, Dr. Mitchell. And thank you very very much!
Looking forward,
I am a convert. For years I have enjoyed the tastes of all types of foods, especially those containing large amounts of sugar. Boy, there wasn't a donut I didn't love!! We won't even talk about ice cream and Russell Stovers chocolates! Recently my prostate cancer came back after 42 radiation treatments some 2 to 3 years ago. While being tested for an experimental operation, I met Dr. Mitchell Kirshner and we discussed a healthier way of eating. It was basically a plant-based diet. The idea was to starve the growth of the cancer, which feeds off sugar and other food items. Consistence and discipline were necessary to move forward successfully with the new diet, but with the help of my wife, I have stayed on the for the past 9 months and feel absolutely wonderful. During this period of time, I have lost some 36 pounds, and have had the operation, which according to my doctors, has been a total success. I am now cancer free! When dealing with my doctors prior to the operation, they kept using the word WOW numerous times when referring to my blood count, blood pressure, my various organs, etc. They were absolutely amazed at my overall health, and felt the operation and the subsequent healing would be greatly aided my overall excellent health. I am a convert! I no longer see myself addicted to sugar, dairy products, white flour products. fried and processed foods, and a number of other food products Dr. Mitchell initially advised me to abstain from. I no longer consider my being on a "diet". I have basically chosen to stay on a healthy plant-based eating program. It certainly is not as tasty as my former diet, but I simply feel great, and plan to remain feeling great for the rest of my life. I need to thank God, many fine doctors, nurses and hospital personnel, the prayers and best wishes of countless family and friends, the consultation of Dr. Mitchell, and especially the love and care of my most wonderful partner and wife, Karin. I know the value of a plant-based diet, and recommend it highly. I feel wonderful!! and hope you will too!
Dr. Jack M.
Hey Mitch,
I just wanted to say thanks for the kick start and share my thoughts on your cleansing program
When I first started I was in the midst of an emotional crash. My brother had just passed away, I just got back from Kabul and three weeks later I had to put my dog down of 17 years, three weeks later my brother passed away of liver cancer and I was left no option but to cancel my career and move to Port St Lucie to become primary care giver to my 90 year mother. I weighed in at 235 lbs an my blood sugar was hovering around 245 with my meds.
After I started your cleanse I decided to dedicate 2 weeks to the program. I figured why not ? the only thing that could happen was that I did like I usually did...work the program for a few days and then hit McDonalds and get a Big Mac. Well after our first class I realized that I did not have to give up food but to change how I approached my eating and exercising habits. You shared that I could still eat eggs, meat, fish, salads, fruits and sweet potatoes and that I should focus on eliminating sugar, caffeine, unhealthy cooking oils, wheat and grains from my diet. Being a Type 2 Diabetic I thought this may actually help.
I also read through your information packet with the recipes for a healthier diet and liked what I saw. Well, to make a long story short, I followed the program as close as I could and stared cooking my own food and when I did go out I was cognizant of what I ordered. After the first week, I dropped 6 pounds and my sugar went from 245 to 160. By the end of two weeks I went from 235 to 226 and my blood sugar was consistently under 115 with my meds. In fact a few days ago I had a blood sugar of 97 which was the lowest its been in 10 years.
I just wanted to say thanks for helping me make a healthier lifestyle change and I look forward to your next seasonal cleanse.
Derek C. McSween
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